Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 04, 2008

Devin @ 5am going in for his stem cell harvest! That smile is what keeps me going!

Hey everyone!

So things have been pretty good with devin right now. He's been feeling ok and no hospitalizations lately which is always a great thing lol!

Surgery is FINALLY booked for the 10th of Sept which is this Wednesday. We are leaving for NY on Monday. Looking at whats going on I can't believe that its already time for surgery. He's already had 5 rounds of chemo. I looked at my counter today and Devin has been diagnosed with cancer for 119 days. Wow I can't believe it. Everyday seems to crawl by but now looking at how far we already are is crazy. In one way I am scared shitless of the surgery.. it makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. But on the other hand it is one more step towards this being over. BUT all at the same time, I'm keep thinking its almost over after the surgery, but its not. Not even close. we still have months of chemo bone marrow transplant and only god knows that else. I am a person who likes to know the who what when wheres of things and that what sucks about this is there is no definite answers. Devin could have cancer for weeks months YEARS!! Uhh I guess I am just OVER all this, this week. I'll have a different look on it next week lol.. as crazy as it sounds.

Well I don't know what the computer situation in NY will be so I don't know if I will be able to update until I get back but I wil try.

Again I ask for everyone's prayers now more than ever. Please pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery!!!!!!!

Thank you

Melissa and Devin


Sassygirl Croft said...

Dear Devin and Melissa: My name is Melinda Croft and I am 44 and a 25yr cancer survivor. I was 18 and pregnant when they found my cancer and then it was rare I had lipo Sarcoma. To make a long story short I carried my child until 8months they took her by c-section told me the very next day there was no hope for me and sent me off to Gainesville as UF and 2 more hospitals in the USA could treat the kind of cancer I had at that time. Well after my surgery they said I proably would only make it 18 months but here it is 25yrs later and I AM ALIVE!!! I Know what you are going thru and my hear goes out to you as this is your BABY!! I just came across the ad for donations today on line and then went to your website. Devin is a beautiful little boy with a awsome big smile. I truly know that Devin is going to be a survivor too. I have prayed for you devin and your family. I sent devins ad and a short letter asking for the local news stations to do a story on devin and see if you could get more donations etc to help you and devin out. I am on disability but I know that once the community is aware of this that you will get all kinds of financial help or what ever kind of help you need. I will keep udated on devin through your website and my nickname on here is sassygirl as that is what my fience calls me. Well I will be praying for you again tonight and tomorrow. I hope you can put an update on here as how devin is doing while you are in New York. I hope the News station's will do a story and get the word out about devin and his medical condition. I hope I havent over stepped my boundrys by sending the news stations a request I just thought that would help you in getting donations and more people to come out and support any and all fund raisers yard sales etc for your baby boy. He is going to be ok and a survivor too. I will check back to see your updates if I can help in any way just talk or what ever leave a note on here and I will see it and leave you my personal info email address or cell number. God Bless Melinda Croft aka Sassygirl.croft(google name)

lola said...

i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. i am keeping the flyer. i am 9 years old.i have 2 brothers 1 of my brothers died of cancer,but i have hope 4 sister had cancer she lived!!!!my other brother he is 2 turning 3 in 5 days.

lola said...

i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. i am keeping the flyer. i am 9 years old.i have 2 brothers 1 of my brothers died of cancer,but i have hope 4 sister had cancer she lived!!!!my other brother he is 2 turning 3 in 5 days.