Friday, August 1, 2008

June 16, 2008

Ok so Devin is home from the hospital, they did a culture of his stool and blood because he had a fever. The blood came back fine, but his stool came back that he has c-diff. Which is a bacteria in his small intestine that usually the good bacteria fights off but because he's been on so many antiobiotics lately, its killed all the good bacteria. So they put him on yet another

Ok so Devin was scheduled to have a stem cell harvest tomorrow. Thats where they put a catheter in the vein in his neck and take the stem cells and freeze them to be used later for a bone marrow transplant.
Well they did a bone marrow aspiration on friday to check to see if the cancer in his bone marrow has improved enough to do this. We did get the results till this morning, but they can't to the stem cell harvest because there is still to much cancer in the bone marrow. BUT there has been a significant decrease in the amount. Which is a really good thing. When they first looked at the bone marrow the doctor said she didn't see any healthy cells that it was all cancer cells. Now she said there is mostly healthy cells with a few cluster of neuroblastoma. So even though we can't do the procedure, he is still getting better. So I am a little bit relieved.
He is scheduled for his next round of chemo Monday the 23rd. ....14 days after that they will check the bone marrow again and see if they can do the stem cell harvest then.

So keep your fingers crossed and Devin in your prayers!

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