Friday, August 1, 2008

May 03, 2008

Yesterday the doctors came and talked to mommy and told her that they found the tumor and it is on my adrenal glands and spread to my spine, but its only touching my spine and not in it so this is good. They also found cancer in my hip and my bone marrow, which puts me at stage 4 Neuroblastoma. I go to surgery Tuesday to have a prot put into my vein so they don't have to keep giving me new IV's because they really hurt. The doctors are moving really fast to get me better so i will start chemotherapy on Wed. so they can try to shrink the tumors so that they can take them out. Soon after they are going to do something called radiation therapy to get the cancer out of my bone marrow. Also mommy had been working with the doctors on getting me to St Judes childrens hospital in Tennessee because that is supposed to be the very best hospital for kids with my condition. We will know about that on Tuesday also, so hopefully I get to go.

Now the good part of today. The doctors let me go home until tomorrow so I am at home with my Memma and Papa and my cousins and puppy. So i am very happy about that! I don't have to go back to the hospital until tomorrow!
Ok but mommy will keep everyone posted on how I am! PRAY FOR ME!

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