Friday, August 1, 2008

June 27, 2008

So we are home from our 3rd round of chemo and Devin isn't feeling as good as he usually is. I mean he's still feeling good but he's vomiting and just a little more laid back. But don't worry he's still Devin!
Ok so we got some not so good but not so bad news today. The results from his MIBG scan came back and the cancer in his bones hasn't improved any, its the same as it was when we started chemo. . But as least its not worse right? We are going to continue treatment and pray that it improves with a few more rounds.

The past couple of days have been hard for me, I think all the stress of this is building back up with Devin's surgery right around the corner. But I am sure this "crying stage" will pass again. I'm just trying to think positive and know that my baby is going to be alright.
Ok, but thats all for now, I will write more later!
Keep the prayers coming! Thank you everyone!
Devin and Missy

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