Friday, August 1, 2008

June 25, 2008

Shrinking Tumor!
Ok so Devin went to CT scan yesterday, to check the size of the tumor. We got the results today and the tumor has shrunk a great deal. It was large enough that it was causeing the kidney to be pushed to the side, but its back in its place!!! I am so happy that we are finally getting some good news. First his bone marrow is improving now this. The doctors say that sense the tumor has shrunk it will give us a better chance of the surgery ( after 2 more round of chemo) being successful. So thank you to everyone who is praying for my baby boy, the prayers are working, keep them up!!!
Round 3 of chemo is so far so good, but its not usually until the 3 or 4th day after chemo do you see any effect on Devin. He IS eating which is a big suprise with so the doctors are suprised he is. Devin does the opposite of everyone else lol. Oh speaking off let me tell you about yesterday. They gave him a dose of ativan ( which is like an anti anxity medicine) to calm him for his ct scan.. nothing happened, so they gave him Benadryl figuring the 2 would calm him down...NOPE! Another dose of ativan......umm he just got So they decided to give him a dose of Vercet ( I may have spelled that wrong its a sedative) again he became a little loopy, but still fought going in the machine. So Devin got
Ativan X 2 doses,
Benadryl 1 dose
Vercet X 2 doses

and did not fall to sleep for another 4 hours! This just proves how much of a fighter my son is. He doesn't go down with out one heck of a fight and I would not want him any other way!

Don't forget magic show Sat. email me for details! I'll keep everyone updated on any changes! Thanks! Keep the prayers coming they are working!!!

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